13 August 2018

Hi Ecstasia











24 April 2009

maybe me favorite song in the whole world ever...

the shins, those to come. i love the sound of it, delight in the words of it too. reminds me of a poem my sister would write...

Eyeless in the morning sun you were
Pale and mild, a modern girl
Taken with thought, still prone to care
Makin tea in your underwear
You went out in the yard to find

Something to eat and clear your mind
Something bad inside me went away

Quaking leaves and broken light
Shifting skin the coming night
The bearers of all good things arrive
Climb inside us, twist and cry
A kiss on your molten eyes

Myriad lives like blades of grass
Yet to be realized, bow as they pass

They are cold,
Waiting in the ether,
To form,
Only to die

They'll end,
And strangely

strange creatures

(tried to post this last week from, but it didn't go up)

wandered over to the academy of natural sciences. really better suited to kids, and completely overrun with school field trips. the highlights were a couple floors of stuffed animals in painted "natural" habitats from all of the continents. it's so strange to see animals that are familiar but so different... like this auk:

it's funny too because i forgot i was in philadelphia until overhearing a man telling his group of kids that he had actually seen these animal in real life - standing in front of a display of racoons, skunks, and possums. not a kid in texas that would be impressed.

21 April 2009

their talent makes me crazy

two more favorites from the philadelphia museum of art:

Liverpool from Wapping by John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1875

A Carnival Evening by Henri Rousseau, 1886

20 April 2009


Last week I fell, literally, on my face resulting in a tiny black eye
that has gotten darker every day. Don't ask me how- one second i was
standing the next i was face down on the concrete. The bad thing was
we had dinner with jack's colleagues every night last week, so one day
I'm fine and the next night I have a black eye and "fell on my face"
story. I can only imagine what they think about us...